“I had been away from active nursing practice in the U.S. since 2005, when I left to be a nurse in a cross-cultural setting in rural Bangladesh. After returning to Delaware, I felt a need to catch up on what is current in nursing practice and have my nursing license reinstated.”
“The online classroom certainly was different, but not difficult to adjust to. The positives of the UD program for me had to do with the flexibility and thoroughness of the online nursing refresher program. The ability to access the program anytime and anywhere was a huge plus for me. I appreciated having access to lectures so I could listen, the lecture notes so I could look material up that I missed, and the quizzes to test comprehension.”
“I love interacting with patients and their families, and providing holistic care using a combination of solid scientific principles, technical skills, and psycho-social-spiritual skills, and I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to use my nursing skills and all that I learned abroad in providing quality care to patients and their families.”
Kathleen Jones is a registered nurse who completed the University of Delaware’s RN Refresher Online program.