Power Up Your Career seminars offered free for UD PCS noncredit students and veterans
Featuring four career- and personal-branding-focused seminars, the University of Delaware’s Division of Professional Studies (UD PCS) is again offering its Power Up Your Career seminar series from Sept. 12 to Dec. 12 in Newark.
With sessions focused on job search strategy, career transitions, and personal and professional effectiveness, the series provides a valuable array of tips and takeaways for anyone seeking professional or personal development.
The Power Up Your Career workshops are available to veterans and military service members, as well as students enrolled in 2019 UD PCS noncredit programs, at no charge. The series is open to everyone else for a $50 registration fee, which includes all four seminars.
Presented on UD’s Newark campus from 6-7:30 p.m. on Thursday evenings this fall, the following 90-minute seminars are intended for those seeking practical and immediately applicable career tips and resources:
- Sept. 12 — Tips for Job Search Success in 2019
- Oct. 10 — Achieving Your Life Goals in a World Fueled by Uncertainty
- Nov. 7 — Transitioning into a New Career
- Dec. 12 — Creative Thinking for Non-Creative Thinkers
To register or for more information, including seminar descriptions and presenter bios, email continuing-ed@udel.edu or call 302-831-7600, or the Power Up Your Career Series website.